Integrated Data Management

Integrated Data Management

In modern management usage, the term data is increasingly replaced by information or even knowledge in a non-technical context. Thus data management has become information management or knowledge management. This trend obscures the raw data processing and renders interpretation implicit. The distinction between data and derived value is illustrated by the information ladder. However, data has staged a comeback with the popularisation of the term big data, which refers to the collection and analyses of massive sets of data. Integrated data management (IDM) is a tools approach to help data management and improve performance. IDM consists of an integrated, modular environment to manage enterprise application data, and optimize data-driven applications over its lifetime IDM's purpose is to:

  • Produce enterprise-ready applications faster
  • Improve data access, speed iterative testing
  • Empower collaboration between architects, developers and DBAs
  • Consistently make service level targets
  • Automate and simplify operations
  • Provide contextual intelligence across the solution stack
  • Support business growth
  • Accommodate new initiatives without expanding infrastructure
  • Simplify application upgrades, consolidation and retirement
  • Facilitate alignment, consistency and governance
  • Define business policies and standards up front; share, extend, and apply throughout the life-cycle.